Friday, January 15, 2010

Ode to Anu.

Sometimes life throws you a rock,
wakes you up and shakes you by the bones.

(That's on a good day.)

Sometimes your path happens upon a force
that makes you take a pause,
spin around and marvel.

I met just such a woman yesterday evening;
truly an inspiration.

She runs like a beast.
She writes like a goddess.

I present you, Anu...

life, in ANY cAse.

today i feel like a Capital letter.
tall and upper case.

an invincible scribble, i am.

my thoughts punctuate
like dotted i's
my heart beats
in typewriter key.

and i wonder...
who left the CAPSLOCK on
last night?

A penny for my thoughts.

Time quivers.
A diaphanous thing.
Tied around memories
Both future and past.

These moments,
They are meant to be shared.
These words,

Life is a digression.
And its story,
The inevitable trace
It leaves behind.
